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4S Slimming Capsules is now 5S Slimming Pills

Burn Fat Faster And Smarter

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Real People, Real Results, Real Weight Loss Reviews!

weight loss results

Chantel – Cape Town

I lost 4 dress sizes in 12 weeks on 5S Slimming products! I took 2 capsules morning, went for a short walk each day and ate healthy! I’ve been trying to lose weight for 15 years and had tried everything that’s been on the market! Thank the Lord for 5S! It does work!

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Lungile – Johannesburg

The reason I started using 5S diet pills is because one of my close girlfriends started losing weight (she looked great) and I asked her what her secret was. She showed me the 5s extra strength bottle, and instantly I was hooked on. I have lost over 15kgs since I started taking these pills.

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Samantha – Durban

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful slimming product. I have lost my flabby stomach from being pregnant. I look and feel younger, firmer, and thinner. My stretch marks are really fading and my energy has returned.”

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Maria – Pretoria

“I’m now ordering my third bottle of 5S tablets. This product is great. I feel wonderful. My clothes fit better and I’ve lost inches as well as kgs. This works better than 4S Slimming pills. I have almost reached my weight loss goal :).”

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5s slimming pills

New Slimming Pills Reviews For 2022

5S/4S Slimming Pills That Work!

5S combines the highest quality ingredients for maximum fat burning, safely increasing your body’s metabolic activity and free from any unwanted side effects! You will experience a suppression of appetite, which discourages overeating and may also increase your energy levels to burn the maximum amount of calories each day!

All the ingredients work together with your body to help it naturally increase your metabolism rate to a constant high level. This is very important as the body is able to help burn up more stored fat than diets and exercise alone. The ingredients have been carefully analysed with what the body needs and requires to burn more fat. The ingredients are not harmful and have no side effects at all when taken as recommended. Everyone needs a little help with fat loss and 5S weight loss pills are able to aid that.

The problem is during the diet, exercise, or weight loss program you have food cravings, grumpy, fatigued, you need to use your willpower, and feel deprived and miserable. The weight you lose is never in the problem areas. You actually lose water, structural fat, and muscle.  They actually make it so the body gains weight quicker, stores more fat in the problem areas, and makes it even harder in the future to lose weight and fat. This is why when you stop the diet, exercise, or weight loss program you very quickly gain all the weight back, plus more! The biggest problem is that these weight loss programs lower your metabolism, and increase your appetite. The scariest thing is the weight you gain back is the fat is stored in the problem areas that are impossible to lose. Diet, and weight loss programs actually make you fatter in the long-term.  With the 5S capsules people can lose 1kg the very first day. You may also lose 3.5kg in the first week. When your metabolism is increased you are losing weight daily without much effort.

Order Your 5S Fat Burner Now!



We offer you a wonderfully safe & simple buying experience.

We give each order the highest level of personal attention so you can rest at ease knowing that we are taking excellent care of you. It is our firm commitment to you that you will receive prompt answers to your emails, or whatsapp and our fullest attention and support.

Our guaranteed delivery offers peace of mind that you will get what you have paid for. If you have any questions, our online customer services are there happily assist you with ordering, product questions, reviews and more via Whatsapp 081 535 5083 or Email orders@5sslimming.co.za

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1 Bottle

R490 per bottle

Total R490

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2 Bottles

R399 per bottle

Total R798

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3 Bottles

R350 per bottle

Total R1050

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does 5S Slimming Tablets Work?

5S is a blend of powerful fat burning, appetite suppressing and detoxifying ingredients to help work with your body. By flushing the body of toxins, burning fat and suppressing the appetite. It helps you maintain long-term weight loss success by setting up the body to function optimally without the obstacles that make weight loss so difficult.

What the difference between 4S Slimming and 5S?

It has the similar ingredients as 4S Slimming Pills but now also includes Green Tea Extract for faster fat burning.

Can i buy 5S Slimming Capsules from Clicks or Dischem?

Due to limited stock we cannot supply the slimming pills at Clicks or Dischem stores at the moment.

Are these Slimming pills available on Takealot?

These 5S slimming pills are not available on Takealot. 

How do I use 5S capsules?

Take 2 capsules approximately 10 minutes before breakfast with a big glass of water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

What can I do to get the best results possible?

To get the best results possible, reduce you intake of sugary foods and drinks, and white flour, but most importantly drink LOTS of water.

How long will a single bottle last?

1 bottle contains 60 capsules and will last 1 month.

Are there any side effects?

There are no major side effects reported. Its all natural fat burning ingredients and GMP Approved.

Unsuitable for use and Precaution

People with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure or cardiovascular, hypertension. Women in pregnancy or lactation. People under the age of 18 or above 60.

When and how will I receive my order?

We can have orders couriered to your door (1-3 work days)  Outlying areas can take up to 4-6 work days. We will give a tracking number for your order.

How much does delivery cost?

Its free delivery to your door. No added charges

Can i become a distributor of these weight loss pills?

Yes you can since 5S slimming tablets are in demand throughout South Africa. Just email us on orders@5sslimming.co.za for distributor prices.


Individual results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by SAHPRA and MCC. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It is the responsibility of anyone intending to use these supplements to consult your medical adviser before using these or any dietary supplements. All content available through this web site is for general information purposes only.